Incorporating Baseboards Into Modern Minimalist Homes

Incorporating Baseboards Into Modern Minimalist Homes

Installing baseboards is a quick and easy way to improve the aesthetics of your home. Ornate wood baseboards are staples in period and traditional houses, in fact. And they remain popular among homeowners because it instantly adds old-world charm to your home.

Homes with a more modern or minimalist bent are a different conversation, however. The preference for clean, geometric lines and function over form in modern architecture makes it hard to match with the usual decorative baseboard styles.

This doesn’t mean you have to ban baseboards from the modern design of your home. Plain baseboard styles, clever color choices, and innovative designs that suit the minimalist look are available these days.

Invisible baseboards

Plain, straight-edged baseboards go well with modern rooms. Additionally, you can paint your baseboard the same color as your walls for a nearly seamless blend. This has the added benefit of making your walls look longer. It also helps establish an airy and more spacious feel to the room.

Remember to match the width of any other trims or moldings to your baseboard, especially the ceiling trim. A thin and simple crown molding will work well. You can also go with a slightly wider ceiling trim if it’s the same color as your ceiling. This gives it an understated feel and helps reinforce the illusion of higher walls.

Lastly, take care how high you install the baseboards. Three to five inches is a standard baseboard height for walls at least eight feet high.

Extreme baseboard sizes

If you don’t want subtle baseboard designs, go to the extremes. Exaggerated baseboard heights are great matches for modern and minimalist homes, too.

Are you planning on using extremely short baseboards? Paint it a slightly darker shade than the walls. This gives the room a calm, classy, and clean look. The effect is further enhanced with matching crown moldings and other trims.

Tall and plain baseboards are excellent for adding elegance to any room, meanwhile. Five or seven-inch high baseboards are common choices for traditional homes. For modern spaces with high ceilings, though, you can go for baseboards up to nine inches in height.

Additionally, consider showing off its natural or stained wood grain finish. Light wood baseboards go well with light-colored walls and vice versa. Alternatively, you can match the baseboard to the room’s hardwood flooring.

Flush or recessed baseboards

The style involves installing a sunken straight-edge or rectangular baseboard with a small “reveal” or empty space above it. It creates a baseboard that’s flush with the wall. Aligning the baseboard with the wall creates a smooth and seamless-looking surface. Make sure to paint the recessed baseboard with the same color as the walls.

Recessed baseboards take more effort and are more time-consuming to install than regular baseboards, but they offer a fantastic, sleek look that’s perfect for modern and minimalist homes. These are also the most practical option if you have barn or sliding doors.

Just because you can’t match ornate baseboards to a modern home aesthetic doesn’t mean you have to set it aside completely. Miskas Wood Products offers a variety of baseboard styles to fit any home design, whether it’s classic, modern, or contemporary.

Contact us today and let us help you find the right baseboard style for your home.

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